Over and Over Again #teamrbtl day 3
Good morning, afternoon, evening or night wherever you are. I’ve had knitting ups and downs today. I made it all the way to row 49 before making a few wee mistakes that I was going to fudge but I wasn’t happy with the overal tension especially the edges, so I frogged all the way back to the begin. I was very brave. I don’t even see it as wasted time. It’s all helpful. I re-watched a few videos and decided to temporarily put my trainee continental style on hold so I could follow the tutorials exactly. I’ve also learned how to put in a lifeline and more importantly not to knit my row using the tail of the lifeline and good news is I’ve re-caught up with myself but it took me to the wee small hours so I haven’t got past row 49 yet. I’m so much happier with it. What do you think?
I’ll do a round up soon of the tutorials I’ve found the most helpful and please come back and check out my progress. I’ll be sharing regular updates :)
See you soon.